Measuring and Control System DULCOTROL Potable Water/F&B
Monitoring and treatment of potable and similar types of water with DULCOTROL Potable water/F&B – the compact measuring and control system specially designed for water treatment in waterworks and in the food and beverage industry.
Product description
The compact measuring and control system for the reliable monitoring and treatment of water of a similar quality to drinking water
Measuring and control systems DULCOTROL for the potable water/F&B application are specially tailored to the potable water sector and the food and beverage industry. In addition, they also meet the particular requirements within these sectors: on the one hand, for potable water/product water treatment and, on the other hand, for the treatment of rinsing water, industrial water and process water. The measuring and control systems can be configured using the relevant identity code ordering system. With the 'panel-mounted' version, all of the components except the sensors are mounted on a polypropylene plate. The DULCOTROL ordering system works with user-based selection criteria so that you can select the most appropriate measuring and control system, largely without technical knowledge. One or two measured variables can be configured in each product range.
Your benefits
- A third measured variable can be retrofitted on site if the size of the configured bypass fitting permits this.
- All communication interfaces of the DACb controller and connection to DULCONNEX are possible.
- Availability of all key chemical measuring parameters for water treatment
- Application-optimised configuration of the components using user-based order criteria
- Configuration of 1 or 2 measured variables on a panel
- The controller equipment can be selected